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Content submitted should reflect the WYRD MANIFESTO and should in some way relate to the experience of the invisible, of spiritual or magickal practice, or of the power of creation in defining our futures.

WYRD seeks to highlight the gradients of experience and the truth that may be gleaned from myth and metaphor, therefore encourages works that are radical but not dogmatic; critical yet constructive.

Experimental work is encouraged, but it should be refined in meaning and be of print-quality (i.e. 300+-DPI for image or final copy for word). Content may be edited by WYRD for publication purposes while preserving the author’s full intent.

Overly-personal works are discouraged; often the main character of a mythological work is an archetype before they are an individual. Works about the self are encouraged if the work is about one’s spiritual journey or practice; or if the personal experience is part of a larger tapestry of experience.

Though WYRD is designed for mature readers, WYRD does not publish overly explicit content. Nudity, sexuality, and light gore are perfectly acceptable. Examples of content that may not be published include: crude/pornographic or violent/sadistic works and work with direct allusions of harm to self or other.

WYRD believes that the power of creation is the epitome of human ability, and encourages works that create, imagine, deepen, or transmute.


By submitting your work to WYRD, you agree to have it published and distributed for the issue you submit to. WYRD does not retain exclusive publishing rights and you are free to self-publish or submit to other publications.

Though WYRD is a completely independent publication, please be aware certain industry publishers may not accept works that have previously been self-published or independently published.

Submissions are currently uncompensated - though you will recieve a free copy of WYRD and your bio will be listed permanently on the online contributors directory. You may also request up to (5) additional copies to sell free of charge, and you may purchase more at the wholesale rate. You will be credited in full in each issue your work is featured in.

Previously made work is perfectly acceptable.

ESSAYS ~500-1000 word essay or editorial.
Suggested topics include: reflections on culture, practice, critique, etc.

PRACTICE 1000 words max, suggested 200-500 words. Images may be included in submission.
Suggested topics include: personal accounts of magickal practice, spirituality, superstition, and belief.

SHORT STORIES/FABLES SHORT STORIES: ~500-1500 words max. Narrative, character-based stories. Longer stories may be serialized, i.e. printed over multiple issues, if applicable.

FABLES: ~500 words. Short, moralistic tales. Driven by archetypes, not necessarily character development. Images may be included with submission.

POEMS ~500 words max. Any poetic form is acceptable. If submitting multiple poems, please combine into one document.
Suggested topics include: mythological, spiritual or symbolic experiences.

VISUAL ART Minimum 300 DPI. Low-quality images will not be considered.
All forms of visual art are accepted, including illustration, fine art, collage, traditional printmaking, digital, etc.
Suggested topics include: mythological, spiritual or symbolic imagery.

MEDIA REVIEWS ~100-200 words max.
Media reviews may cover: film, music, individual pieces of art or artists, gallery exhibitions, books or publications, websites, etc. Both old and new work is acceptable.
Reviews should reflect on the meaning, symbolism, or narrative of the work.

CLASSIFIEDS ~25-35 words max.
Advertisements for small businesses, creatives, services, etc. Classifieds are entirely free to submit, though donations are appreciated.

WYRD is a two-color risograph publication. When submitting images, please keep this in mind. Most images will translate well, including illustrations and photographs. Reds, blues, and yellows will lose much of their saturation, but will be compensated for in oranges and greens.

As a contributor, you don't have to do any color seperation or other file prep. This will all be taken care of for you after the submission process. However, if you would like to color your images accordingly, here are the hex code approximations of the WYRD ink pallete:

Flouro Orange - #ff7477 Green - #00a95c

Images can be any format (.jpeg, .png, .pdf, .tiff, etc) and RGB or CMYK. The only requirement is that they be 300dpi or higher for printing.